Friday, March 21, 2008


India is presently ranked at 72nd place among 180 countries by the Transparency International in its latest Corruption Perception Index (CPI). An Indian newspaper asked readers to forward their views on "How can corruption in India be eradicated?". Here's my 2 cents on the topic....

We can go on listing the endless possibilities of eradicating corruption however in my opinion we need to go into the Root cause of corruption & corrupt practises.

If an individual or system can address the following, I believe it will go a long way in eradicating corruption.

a) We as individuals need to take high moral ground in profession & life.
b) Meritocracy has to be encouraged instead of Bureaucracy.
c) Every citizen of the country has to be answerable for his/her actions in professional life.
d) Government needs to ensure a minimum standard of living for every citizen.
e)We should develop a zero tolerance policy on corruption in our professional lives.

I feel if we can achieve abovementioned actions, it can be effective in reducing corruption.

Deviating from the topic I would also add that if it were not for corruption, billions of rupees would be accounted in the Economy today and it could be used for betterment of Indians not to mention our GDP effectively would be that much more.



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