A bad news to share, yesterday I've been diagnosed with Diabetes. Combined with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), its a dangerous combination to have. What a terrible gift to have from my stay in South Korea ? Reasons are not difficult to fathom, high stress on account of both personal and professional activities here. Lack of communication, loneliness etc. lead to a weight loss of 11 kgs in past 2-3 months and total weight loss of about 15 kgs since I came here...its good in a way since the body weight comes down to 94 kgs from 109 kgs but it comes at a very high cost of health....even the Doctors here were unable to properly explain in English the full report of the Health checkup...of course it was more of my problem than theirs. It has always been like this all along my stay here. I would like to call this duration of my stay here 'a lost year'. Maybe I am part of the problem...adjusting has been tough and came with lots of compromises in the lifestyle. Small house, sustenance level salary, very old car managed from my own resources, no friends etc. etc. Right now I am blind to see any positives....